We’re hyped to believe that something is a terrible crisis for which something must. be. done.
Over de 4 fasen die gesuggereerde crisissen doorgaan zonder uiteindelijk tot een oplossing te komen.
There’s a four stage pattern. The first stage is what I call the crisis.
We’re hyped to believe that something is a terrible crisis for which something must. be. done.
Very often the thing that is said to be a crisis has often been getting better for years on end. That gets ignored.
Stage two is the solution.
At that point they say “If we do this, it will lead to benefitial result A”.
The critics say “No, it will lead to detrimental result Z”.
Stage three is the results.
You put it in and directly you find the detrimental result Z.
Stage four is the fascinating part.
In which they say “No, that doesn’t prove that this was a bad policy, because there are many factors, there’s complexity. It’s simplistic to blame it on this.”
The point is, they created the crisis. Artificially. The evidence shows there was no crisis.